cOUNCIL 1459 Hall
Council 1459 Hall
Council 1459 Hall
403 North Oak Street
Muenster, Texas 76252
The Council 1459 Hall is a great place to host an event or gathering. The hall has two floors available which may be rented separately or together subject to availability. The cost to rent the Council 1459 Hall is as follows:
1st Floor: $400 (plus refundable $50 cleaning fee)
2nd Floor: $450 (plus refundable $50 cleaning fee)
Both Floors: $800 (plus refundable $100 cleaning fee)
Members of Muenster Council #1459 who are current on their dues are eligible for a $100 discount on their rental.
For more information on renting the hall, contact Chad Henscheid.
Phone: 940-634-9928